Wow! One month! How time flies!! On Friday morning Jack went with me to Becca's school as I attended a mandatory volunteer orientation meeting and in the middle of that meeting I suddenly realized that the day before had been the one month anniversary of Jack's Gotcha Day. Now, please don't think less of me that I didn't realize the date until the day after his "anniversary" - it's been a crazy week and I was really sick on the actual day so I will beg for your forgiveness of my tardy celebration. All that said, however, we are one month in and still going strong.
Checking out the lake on base with all his sisters. |
The biggest announcement I can make at this point is simply Jack's ever strengthening language abilities. His comprehension of English has astounded me from the beginning, but his acquisition of workable vocabulary continues to floor me every day. Some of you may remember my facebook post a little while back about Jack sitting at the kitchen table teaching himself the English colors and numbers using foam stickers. He has always been curious about what the English words are for things, but each week he gets more vocal about asking for terms and is more and more putting these words to work for himself. He still loves to point out every airplane he sees (which is a lot as we live by the airport!) but he has started using the word "airplane" instead of just "Mama"or pointing with lots of vigor. He also loves to tell me every time he sees anything the color blue and has begun using a full palette of other color words too.
Learning those numbers and colors |
I've been waiting for him to start talking while playing alone with his toys and really expecting to hear his Chinese come out at that time, but that is not what has happened at all. He
has begun to make his toys "talk" to each other or whisper away as he flies a toy airplane or drives a toy car, but he is almost always doing this play talk in English sounds or phrases! I'm not convinced that he has begun to fully think in English terms as he still talks to me in Chinese fairly regularly, but his usage of English is growing exponentially and quickly becoming a constant throughout the day. I think one of my favorite things is when we come to a store cashier and Jack is quick to shout out "Heeeeello!" in his cheery Chinese accent. It makes me laugh every time!
Jack's new car seat came in a very large box - soon it was Jack in the box! |
Well, other than language, I'm not sure what else to tell you. Jack is simply doing great. I watch him throughout the day and just marvel at how he has settled in, but when I get here to type I never know what to say. I wish I could just video tape a twenty-four hour period and let you see him for yourself. He laughs, he sings (even broke into the ABC song in the car the other day!), he loves the dog, is still fascinated by the cat, loves the sandbox, begs to take baths, enjoyed his winter-weather shopping spree immensely, and has discovered that climbing into bed with mom and the other five-hundred children in her bed every morning is a wonderful thing. He kissed a bearded-dragon through the glass on her cage the other day, refuses to touch a worm, eats like a horse, doesn't like mustard, has little tiny feet, wears 24 month size jeans, can't wait to ride in the car, and rode a bike like a pro this week. Overall, I just
love him and wish you could all just come and hang out with us to see him in person.
Cars helmet on, ready to go! |
I am also very excited that in just a couple weeks I will have the chance to show him off as he is all signed up to volunteer with me at the Show Hope table at the Lancaster, PA, Steven Curtis Chapman concert. I know that he is little and I know that even though he will have a lot of fun he probably won't understand the significance of his volunteer effort, but I also know that someday he will be happy that I took him. I just think it's cool that last time I volunteered at their table Jack was there in spirit on the front page of the newsletter they were distributing and this time I get to take him in person. So for anyone who might be attending, be sure to seek us out. Hurray!
Show Hope newsletter last December... |
Jack on the playground here at Fort Meade (Sept) |
On a separate note, I wanted to let you know that I have decided that this blog will no longer be the stomping ground for any of my personal analysis monologues. This blog was created as a journal of our Journey to Jack and now that Jack is home I truly feel that the story is now in his hands to tell. I will continue to post here with updates of his progress, milestones, funny encounters, etc., so that you can see how he continues to blossom into his role as son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin, and so much more, but I will no longer post my own musings here as I ponder the wonders of God's actions in my life, the adoption world, or children in general. I have started a new blog, however, for those of you who find me entertaining enough to want to continue to read about my chaos and crazy walk. There isn't much there yet, but I'm hoping to change that soon. You can find me at: But there's no pressure, of course. =)
And now I will simply leave you with some photos. One month later, and here we are...
Catching a ride around the lake. |
Sleeping in his very own bed. |
Playing the drums at the playground. |
Waiting for Winnie-the-Pooh to start - first movie in the theater. |
One the computer for the very first time - getting lots of directions from big sister. |
Oh, Deborah! I love this post! I LOVE seeing Jack in his home, with his family, doing every day things. My heart is overflowing seeing this! Thank you for sharing it with us--it is a great encouragement to see. We continue praying for your family as you come to mind. I can't wait to meet Jack in person some day!! I am so thankful that God chose him for your family and that we got to watch God faithfully bring him home.