Jack also had the opportunity to spend a full morning at the lake here on base playing with his sisters and our wonderful neighbors. Loving that my God-sent neighbor volunteered to give me a few hours of "alone" time I did not join them, but I have been given numerous beautiful pictures of the day.
October also found us spending a full day at the apple orchard-pumpkin patch having some Fall-fest fun and playing in the hay. Jack was not only overjoyed to see the great big pumpkins, goats and tractor, but also thrilled with the chance to stick his face through all of the picture boards. He also rode on his first hay ride and picked a few apples, and I had the chance to get some great pictures of the kids together. I was personally thrilled to also pick broccoli and Jack, Ellie and Sophie made great broccoli spotters. Of course, I think the freshly picked apples they were eating fueled them on.

And, of course, we finally came to Halloween. Being the early-shopping, deal-hunting, leave-as-little-to-the-last-minute kind of person I am Jack's costume was Mom-picked as it was selected before he had any clue what a Halloween costume even was. I guess I did a fairly good job of selecting though because he LOVED his construction worker outfit. He was very disappointed when I made him try it on on Friday night though only to find out he had to wait three more days before he could actually Trick-or-Treat. But once he got started on the candy collection there was no stopping him - he fit right in. And I admit after he had climbed about 20 different sets of porch steps at top speed and without complaint I did point out to him that I did not want to hear any more whining or complaining about navigating our two front porch steps. =)
October also brought along the first of many doctor's appointments for Jack. He had his first visit with the pediatrician and even got to go back a second time. He had lots of blood drawn for testing and began a vaccine schedule to trump anything he may or may not have received in China. It was determined that he did indeed bring home a few intestinal friends (a.k.a. giardia) from China, but that has been remedied along with a couple other blood-test related discoveries. He also received the necessary referrals to visit both the pediatric cardiologist and pediatric dermatologist - both of which he will see this week. Hurray!
And now we are headed into November. This should be an interesting month as Jack will be meeting a large number of family members as we travel to Tennessee for a week and also as we journey further south to Florida to visit Mickey Mouse, Shamu and his favorite friend of all - Katie Green! So, keep your eyes peeled for another possible update as I am sure we will return home with many new pictures because, honestly, Jack is just cool like that.